by Suzanne Collins
In this final installment of the Hunger Games trilogy, Katniss Everdeen grudingly settles into life and training in the underground District 13 facility, accepting the role of the Mockingjay, symbol of the rebellion against the Capitol. Her agreement to be that symbol comes with a number of conditions, most of which irritate President Coin, District 13's leader. Kat's home District 12 has been destroyed by the Capitol, and she feels angry and used by leaders of the rebellion. Only two things keep her motivated--the possibility of saving Peeta who has been captured, and most of all, her intense hatred of President Snow, and her determination to kill him. Kat's life becomes even more confusing and heartbreaking when Peeta is rescued, but has been tortured and brainwashed into believing Katniss is his mortal enemy. At the same time, her relationship with Gale becomes more strained, by the day.
With political intrigue and emotional upheaval the background for this conclusion to the Hunger Games saga, Katniss and the rebel forces enter the Capitol in the dead of winter, fighting their way to the President's mansion in the city center, where finally, the carnage causes Katniss to rethink her mission and do the unthinkable. An amazing end to a an action-packed series.
We Are #Diverse: YA Fiction and Non-Fiction pair, Then and Now
NOTE: I have been told by several people that Loving Vs. Virginia is a
work of fiction. I have adjusted the blog post as necessary to reflect
6 years ago