Getting the Girl: A Guide to Private Investigation, Surveillance, and Cookery.
by Susan Juby
Getting the Girl has both of the things I love and the things I hate about young adult novels. I enjoyed the interesting plotline and appealing main character/narrator. Sherman Mack is a quirkly ninth grader with a fairly irresponsible mother. To say that he is often unsupervised, is a gigantic understatement. Sherm attends a high school where some secret group or person "defiles" a fellow classmate for very obscure reasons. Being defiled is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to a person, because it's equivalent to being a leper in Biblical times or an "untouchable" in India. In one nanosecond, the entire student body turns against a student in very cruel, nasty ways. Did I mention that the defiled are always girls? When one of Sherman's friends is defiled, he decides enough is enough, and begins his own entertaining and mostly ineffective "investigation" into possible suspects. This is a fun read, but here comes the thing I hate most about young adult novels. When authors feel the need to include multiple crudities and unending suggestive language and situations, I just get frustrated. It seems to take the fun out of the story for me. I would recommend this book with warnings. ~reviewed by Mrs. Sams